About Us

About Us

First and foremost is the challenge that all countries across the globe are facing, because of the escalating demand from long-term, chronic disease, and to the rising costs by the government, often with an aging population and limited resources. The medication and healthcare expenditure are heavily burdened by the government.

While scientists invent advance medical facilities, and the pharmaceutical manufacturers create more medication to face new complex pathogen, all these means a financial requirement, and eventually, the costs will pass on to the consumers. The past decade has seen an explosion in the amount of health care and medication. Some project this exponential growth rate to reach ten times that by 2020 in the next 20 years, and even beyond.

As the disease is more complex (such as COVID-19), and better healthy life is demanding, it is simply beyond the scope of the human individual to find a solution, no matter how capable or intelligent.

The introduction of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is believed to meet the needs of the majority with high effective treatment and low cost. Our passion aims for the public to beneficially promote a healthy lifespan.

Mr. Samuel Sit is the first to bring in to Hong Kong after he graduated from the USA in 2016, and he found out that he is the first Hong Kong citizen to award the diploma (see photo) from Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran, who is the father of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, as a certified therapist.

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Longevity is not concerned with wealth, power, ability but the immune system.

We are ecstatic to express our thanks and appreciation to POSS Groups, to provide the necessary supports to initial the magnificent achievement of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. We also appreciate the HKSAR Government raised the start-up capital from the “D-Biz-Distance Business Programme" to make our dream comes true.

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