Ginseng 人蔘
人蔘為草藥之王自古以來滋補養生,補氣補血,扶正固本,廷年益壽的養生極品, 神農本草經中記載人蔘: 補五臟,安精神,定魂魄,止驚悸,除邪氣,明目,開心益智,久服輕身延年。
Ginseng known as the “King of Herbs," has been revered for its nourishing and health-promoting properties since ancient China. It is considered a supreme tonic that replenishes Qi (Vital energy) nourishes the blood, supports the body’s vital functions, and promotes longer life. In the traditional Chinese herbal book “Materia Medica of Deity of Agriculture,", ginseng unified the five human organs, calming the spirit, stabilizing the soul, alleviating palpitations, dispelling evil energy, improving vision, enhancing cognitive function, and when taken regularly, it can lighten the body and extend longevity.
人蔘性温,具有大補元氣,復脉固脱,主要適用體虛欲脫,肢冷脉微的人。與西洋蔘, 所謂的花旗蔘,二者完全不同。
西洋蔘性寒,具有養陰補氣,清肺火,降血壓的作用,主要適用於陽虚久咳的人,但體質畏寒,脾胃虛弱不宜服用。故人蔘特有的功效, 明顯優於西洋蔘
Ginseng has a warm nature and is known for its powerful ability to replenish vitality, strengthen the pulse, and stabilize the organs. It is mainly suitable for individuals with physical weakness, a desire for recovery, and cold extremities with a weak pulse.
Regularly, ginseng should not stew, nor boil. After being heated at high temperatures, its nutrients are destroyed. So it is limited to “replenishing" purposes. Hence, it is not advisable to consume daily as it can easily cause internal body heat.
Taking the ginseng correctly helps to preserve its complete nutritional elements and enables it to have dual-direction both in regulating and detoxifying functions, including warming, cooling, nourishing, and purging effects. Not only does it reduce internal body heat, but it also helps regulate the body, enhance the immune system, and provide health benefits against diseases.
這取決於人蔘的種植,提煉及其專利技術,精制低温有機的人蔘粉,採用中國長白山的足 6 年上等人蔘,用低熱溫特殊處理技術,保留完整的營養,將人蔘制成粉末,易於被人體吸收,轉换營養成份,人蔘粉以4 倍濃缩提煉而成,不燥不熱,保持人蔘原有的天然元素。
It depends on the methods of cultivation, extraction, and proprietary techniques used for ginseng.
To upgrade the effectiveness of ginseng, it only uses the precise technique to finely Nano-grinding process. The ginseng should be carefully pre-selected, preferably from 6 years of mature roots that have been grown in China Changbai Mountain. Special low-heat processing techniques should be employed to preserve the nutritional content and convert ginseng into a Nanopowder particular form that is more easily absorbed by the body.
Only the Nano ginseng powder could amplify its concentration to four times more than its original root, while still maintaining the natural elements of ginseng. It will not cause dehydration or body heat, & yet preserve the ginseng’s inherent properties.
a) 人蔘皂苷 (30 種): 抗癌抑瘤,降脂抑肥,排毒,降低血糖,保護心臟,改善血凝,强壯耐久
b) 有機鍺:增強免疫,抗老防衰,修復組織
c) 鎂與鉀: 增強细胞的活力,强化胰臟功能,抑制血糖,調控膽固醇,防止高血壓,強化造血功能
d) 氨基酸 (16 種): 防衰老,促進兒童的發育
e) 人參多醣體 :提高免疫力,增強抗病能力
f) 揮發油: 可抑制癌细胞
a) Ginsenosides (+200 types): Anti-cancer, anti-tumor properties, cholesterol-control and anti-obesity effects, detoxification, blood sugar regulation, vascular improvement, heart protection, improvement of blood clotting, and enhanced endurance.
b) Organic Germanium: Enhances immunity, anti-aging effects, & recovery of tissues.
c) Magnesium and Potassium: Enhance cellular vitality, strengthen pancreatic function, and suppress blood sugar, Regulate cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure, and strengthen hematopoietic function.
d) Amino Acids (16 types): Anti-aging, promoting children’s growth and development etc
e) Ginseng Polysaccharides : Enhance immune system, strengthen disease resistance, etc
f) Essential Oils: Suppressing cancerous cells.
精制低温有機人蔘粉可天天飲用,不會大補大燥,適合任何年齡,孕婦及嬰兒也可以食用,人蔘粉的皂苷 居排毒, 解毒的功能,對任何病症都有明顯的幫助,而且人蔘粉飲用非常方便,只須用溫水搖至起泡即飲便可.
Refined low-temperature organic ginseng powder can be consumed daily without causing excessive tonic or dehydration. It is suitable for people of all ages, including pregnant women and infants. Refined Ginseng powder contains Saponin, which has detoxifying and purifying functions, and it provides significant help in treating various ailments. It can be considered a “mute doctor" due to its versatile benefits.
Moreover, ginseng powder is very convenient to consume. Simply mix it with warm water, shake it until frothy, and then it is ready to drink.
不須要特别戒口,少吃辛辣不健康食物便可,人蔘粉非常幼细,5 分鐘即被身體细胞,血管吸收,能快速改善,調理身體,也可同時服用其他中,西藥物,只須跟人蔘粉的服食時間相隔一小時便可
There is no need for restrictions on any diet, but it is advisable to consume less spicy and unhealthy foods. Refined ginseng powder is Nano-refined and can be absorbed by the body cells and blood vessels within minutes after intake. It is also considered contra-indication with any medications, but do suggest a one-hour interval between taking them and consuming ginseng powder.
精制人蔘粉取得多項檢測標準: 歐盟產品有機認証,USDA 產品有機認証,有機農業認証,健康食品許可証,也有不同的醫學報告,患者的見證等,以確保產品安全可靠
Refined ginseng powder has honored various laboratory standards, including EU organic certification, USDA organic certification, organic agriculture certification, health food permits, as well as various medical research and patient testimonials. It ensures the best products both in safety and reliability.
To upgrade the effectiveness of ginseng, it only uses the precise technique to finely Nano-grinding process. The ginseng should be carefully pre-selected, preferably from 6 years of mature roots that have been grown in China Changbai Mountain. Special low-heat processing techniques should be employed to preserve the nutritional content and convert ginseng into a Nanopowder particular form that is more easily absorbed by the body.
Only the Nano ginseng powder could amplify its concentration to four times more than its original root, while still maintaining the natural elements of ginseng. It will not cause dehydration or body heat, & yet preserve the ginseng’s inherent properties.
Benefits of Ginseng 人蔘的好處