It is suitable for anyone interested in & bears a passion for "Learn to Heal yourself". The tutor guides the student into a pathway for the interaction of the knowledge. Assignment work is necessary for students to arouse deep interest. No medical knowledge background is required. Enough illustration & description is facilitated for the beginning to learn from easy to hard. One practice session is a must for the beginner to be familiar with what the lesson is taught.
Level II
It is an in-depth knowledge of Therapy after the completion of Level I. More listings are provided. Pscho-emotion is taught. Allow the student to have a better understanding of how psychology works. Cause & Effect, Resonance & Vibration are taught. Why our body becomes Acidic & Alkaline or even sick.
Tutor requests interaction among students, with questions of the concept of new knowledge.
Enough illustration & description is facilitated for the entry for a border range. One practice session is a must for the student to be familiar with what the lesson is taught.
Advanced Level
Only student who completed Level I & Level II is eligible to take the advanced level. The key content is the practical training of Bioenergetic skill, which makes possible the scanning skillful & effective to any location of the body. The amazing DISTANCE THERAPY is a bounder-less therapy, which empowers your ability to reach anywhere.
Listings are supplied. Enough illustration & description is also facilitated for the advanced level. Two practice sessions are necessary together with the tutor to teach and impart the utmost technique.
Practice Session
This is a MUST for all learners. Don’t skip any class. The learner is taught under the guideline in a hold-your-hand model. We assure you will not be dropped out or lagged. All learners are divided into smaller groups with the exchange of their experience & feeling during practice.