宗旨是鼓勵健康, 減少疾病, 讓更多人能了解疾病, 避免病痛。內容均為中立, 無涉及廣告。我們會儘力從有信服力的資料來源, 收集資料, 作分析及分門別類。此平台雖附架在Poss Health 網站下, 因Poss Health的技術協助, 而理想能實現, 但Admin是完全中立及獨立運作。
聲明: 所有刊登的內容, 均非本司所屬, 也非構成任何建議, 請依照專業醫生的意見作準, 本司絕不負責任何閱讀者的損失。
Our mission is to promote health, eliminate illness, educate health, and avoid sickness suffering. Our status is neutral, & no advertising. The content is collected, analyzed, and categorized from reliable sources. Although, it is affiliated under Poss Health, who provides technical assistance, to make dream come true, but Admin is completely independent operation.
Disclaimer:The content herein is not ours opinion, but possessed by the third parties. It does not constitute any suggestion. You should consult the medical licensed practitioners for advice. We do not responsible for any of your loss.